Slicebox allows safe sharing of medical images.Current Version: 1.0.0
Publisher: Toro Cloud
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With SLicebox you can:
- Return a list of currently available data sources and destination
- Stop and shutdown slicebox
- No-op route for checking whether the service is alive or not
- Manage import sessions
- Manage images and dataset in Slicebox
- Anonymize and de-anonymize images and the associated anonymization data
- Handle box-to-box connections and issuing box commands
- Handle box-to-box transactions of images (primarily for internal slicebox use)
- Handle DICOM storage class providers for receiving images from PACS
- Handle DICOM storage class users for sending images to PACS
- Handle watch directories for importing images stored as files
- Handle forwarding rules for automatically forwarding image data from sources to destinations.
- Filter DICOM attributes on incoming objects.
- Define and handle series types
- Handle SLicebox system log messages
- Handle users
Licensed under MIT.
API Specification: Swagger 2.x
Schema Source: TORO Docs to OpenAPI
Version | API Reference Version | Compatibility | Date added | Summary | |
1.0.0 | --- | --- | 2018-11-16 |
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