OpenAPI space

OpenAPI space

Publisher: Toro Cloud

This is the API for OpenAPI space.

The OpenAPI space allows you to:

  • Retrieve a list of currently defined APIs in API meta list format.
  • Retrieve an API meta listing of all APIs defined for this owner
  • Delete a specified API
  • Retreive an API meta listing for all API versions for this owner and API
  • Save the provided Swagger definition
  • Publish or Deletes a particular version of the specified API
  • Retreives swagger definitions for the specified API in JSON or YAML format
  • Perdorm authenticating operations for the OpenAPI space account

Licensed under MIT.

Version API Version Compatibility Date Added Summary
1.0.0 N/A N/A 2019-11-25 ---



API Schema



Last Updated:

January 31, 2020