AWS Key Management Service
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is an encryption and key management service scaled for the cloud. KMS keys and functionality are used by other AWS services, and you can use them to protect data in your own applications that use AWS.Current Version: 1.0.0
Publisher: Toro Cloud
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The AWS Key Management Service allows you to:
- CancelKeyDeletion
- ConnectCustomKeyStore
- CreateAlias
- CreateCustomKeyStore
- CreateGrant
- CreateKey
- Decrypt
- DeleteAlias
- DeleteCustomKeyStore
- DeleteImportedKeyMaterial
- DescribeCustomKeyStores
- DescribeKey
- DisableKey
- DisableKeyRotation
- DisconnectCustomKeyStore
- EnableKey
- EnableKeyRotation
- Encrypt
- GenerateDataKey
- GenerateDataKeyPair
- GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext
- GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext
- GenerateRandom
- GetKeyPolicy
- GetKeyRotationStatus
- GetParametersForImport
- GetPublicKey
- ImportKeyMaterial
- ListAliases
- ListGrants
- ListKeyPolicies
- ListKeys
- ListResourceTags
- ListRetirableGrants
- PutKeyPolicy
- ReEncrypt
- RetireGrant
- RevokeGrant
- ScheduleKeyDeletion
- Sign
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- UpdateAlias
- UpdateCustomKeyStore
- UpdateKeyDescription
- Verify
TORO Master Susbcription Agreement
API Specification: Swagger 2.x
Schema Source: TORO Docs to OpenAPI
Tags: key management security, AWS
Version | API Reference Version | Compatibility | Date added | Summary | |
1.0.0 | --- | --- | 2019-09-27 |
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