AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service
Projects contain templates that specify which type of devices are used, which Lambda functions they invoke, and attribute names to hold contextual data like location or function.Current Version: 1.0.0
Publisher: Toro Cloud
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Actions supported by the API:
- Associate Device With Placement
- Create Placement
- Create Project
- Delete Placement
- Delete Project
- Describe Placement
- Describe Project
- Disassociate Device From Placement
- Get Devices In Placement
- List Placements
- List Projects
TORO Master Subscription Agreement
API Specification: Swagger 2.x
Schema Source: TORO Docs to OpenAPI
Version | API Reference Version | Compatibility | Date added | Summary | |
1.0.0 | --- | --- | 2019-09-27 |
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